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全名 : Charlie Thomas Cox
生日 : 1982年12月15日
出生地 : 英國倫敦
身高 : 五呎十吋 (約178公分)

曾經 / 即將演出的作品 :
2021 - Kin [
家族紐帶 ] (TV Series)
2019 - The Knot (短片) -- Ex 2
2019 - Relics And Rarities (TV Series) -- Seamus O'Flanagan
2015~2018 - Daredevil [ 漫威夜魔俠 ] (TV Series) -- Matt Murdock / Daredevil
2018 - King of Thieves [ 盜王之王 ] -- Basil
2017 - The Defenders [ 漫威捍衛者聯盟 ] (TV Mini Series) -- Matt Murdock / Daredevil
2017 - Eat Locals -- Henry
2014 - Wall Street (TV Movie) -- Jackson
2014 - The Theory of Everything [ 愛的萬物論 ] -- Jonathan Hellyer Jones
2014 - Matthew And The Atlas: Pale Sun Rose (短片) -- Fisherman / Businessman
2013 - The Ordained (TV Movie) -- Tom Reilly
2013 - Legacy [ 後遺症 ] (TV Movie) -- Charles Thorouggood
2013 - Hello Carter -- Carter
2012 - A Sunny Morning (短片) -- Adam
2011~2012 - Boardwalk Empire [ 海濱帝國 ] (TV Series) -- Owen Sleater
2011 - Nancy, Sid & Sergio (短片) -- Sergio
2011 - Moby Dick [ 白鯨記 ] (TV Mini Series) -- Ishmael
2011 - There Be Dragons [
聖徒密錄 ] -- Josemaría Escrivá
2010 - Downton Abbey [ 唐頓莊園 ] (TV Series) -- Duke Of Crowborough
2009 - Big Guy (短片) -- Chuck
2009 - Perfect (短片) -- Paul
2009 - Glorious 39 [ 烽火家族情 ] -- Lawrence
2008 - Stone Of Destiny [
命運之石 ] -- Ian Hamilton
2008 - Harry, Henry And The Prostitute (短片) -- Harry
2007 - Stardust [ 星塵傳奇 ] -- Tristan Thorn
2006 - Tirante el Blanco [
騎士蒂朗:少女陰謀 ] -- Diafebus
2006 - A For Andromeda (TV Movie) -- Dennis Bridger
2006 - Lewis [ 神探路易斯 ] (TV Series) -- Danny Griffon
2005 - Casanova [ 濃情威尼斯 ] -- Giovanni Bruni
2005 - Things To Do Before You're 30 [
30之前要做的事 ] -- Danny
2004 - The Merchant of Venice [ 威尼斯商人 ] -- Lorenzo
2003 - Dot The I [
愛奴 ] -- Theo
2002 - Judge John Deed [ 法官約翰迪德 ] (TV Series) -- Young Vicar

Totally Crazy 2001-2021 copyright (c) Chi Tseng




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